Cutting down on food waste

As the nights draw in and temperatures begin to drop, there is an increasing pressure put on foodbanks to help provide emergency food to people in crisis. Did you know that more than a third of all food produced globally goes to waste? The UK alone throws away more than 9.5 million tonnes of food waste each year.

In light of this, our fabulous team at Lower Mill’s onsite restaurant, Ballihoo, have set out a new initiative aimed at cutting down on food waste around the estate. Teaming up with our local food back in Cirencester, we are encouraging holiday makers and homeowners to leave any unopened food and toiletry items at our collection point outside the Ballihoo Market.

If you have any canned or long-life items that have a 3-month shelf life, that you would like to donate, we would all be very grateful. 

To read more about our chosen charity and the work the volunteers do visit -

Louise Taylor